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Granite products Ternopil

Granite products Ternopil

The market of granite products in Ternopil

Granite products are popular throughout Ukraine, Ternopil is no exception. The main consumers are the owners of the private sector, commercial buildings, state-owned enterprises who order granite products in Ternopil for administrative buildings, public places, streets.

Popular assortment: Tiles, paving stones, stairs, window sills

The following products are often used in construction:

  • polished granite facing tiles for the facade, foundation and fence cladding;
  • paving slabs - for stairs, entrance groups, platforms, paths;
  • paving stones for squares, sidewalks, paths, driveways and car parks;
  • window sills, stairs, countertops - popular items in interior solutions.

In Ternopil, the price of granite products differs slightly from prices in other regions of Ukraine, as the delivery of raw materials from the quarries takes hundreds of kilometres. Since granite is a rather bulky and heavy product, trucks with a capacity of 3, 5 or 22 tonnes are used for delivery. Therefore, transport costs are significant.

Advantages of local production: Quality, price, individual approach


Given that the largest granite processing centre in Korostyshiv is located 350 km from Ternopil, local entrepreneurs decided to open their own stone processing plants. Of course, it is more convenient for local residents to order granite products in Ternopil, but there are several important features:

Local enterprises are located far from granite deposits, so the choice of colours will be smaller, because it is economically costly to keep a large selection of blocks of different colours in large quantities in stock.
To produce figured forms and sculptures, a company must employ a craftsman with the appropriate education and skills. But there are not enough such specialists in Ternopil, because this profession is common only in cities with a large concentration of stone processing industries. 
Conclusion: if you want to get granite products at the best price, quality and have a wide range of colours and the ability to make something individual, you should definitely contact the stone processing centres located in Korostyshiv. A reliable supplier can be Zhytomyr Granites, which has more than 20 years of experience in the market and highly qualified specialists who can implement any of your granite ideas.

How to choose: criteria for selecting granite products


In order to determine exactly what kind of granite product you need, ask yourself the following questions:

What need do you want to fill? 
 - exterior decoration of the house, fence;
 - interior elements: stairs, window sills, countertops;
 - for landscape design.

2. What colour and structure do you want to see in your interior or exterior?

3. What sizes of elements do you need?

4. Does your granite order require additional processing?

These basic questions will help you to clearly formulate your request to the manufacturer and find out the exact cost of the complete order.



Each consumer can choose where to order granite products, taking into account the specifics of the market and the volume of the order. But one thing we can definitely recommend is that by visiting zh-granit.com, you will be pleased with the wide range of colours of granite, labradorite and gabbro. You will be able to order products at market prices based on your drawings without paying for logistics or intermediary fees.

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